I took a hiatus from the blog as I jumped on the journey that is motherhood. It’s a learning process of juggling between being a mother, a wife, managing the house and have time for myself. I am always refining and must say it’s not easy. When it comes to writing blog posts, my vision had always been to produce elaborated posts with well-thought-out stories and lots of photos. The reality is I simply don’t have the time to be the content creator I want while caring for Livvy 24/7. So compromise it is. I’ve decided to write short posts documenting my outfits, whether it be one photo or two.
Going to the park has become one of our daily activities. We are fortunate to be in the city while having a big park close to our place. Livvy loves running around on the field, looking for spring flowers and small bugs. We are having great spring weather so far. With PNW chilly spring breeze, I love to opt for a light color jacket to stay warm while feeling spring-y. This Everlane wool jacket is perfect, nicely cropped and 75% wool. I am pairing it with a linen shirt that is a staple in my spring and summer wardrobe.
The mom ripped jeans come in FIVE lengths, from x-short to x-long. I am wearing size 2 in short, which was still too long and I had to cut the hem. There is an x-short length but it wasn’t in stock when I placed my order. I am sure there will be more park outfits to come in the future! Let me know if you enjoy these short outfit journals. After all our outfit is a decision we make every day.